This multi-activity coast to coast trail on the South Island is a 188.2 mile (303km) route from Ross on the west coast to New Brighton on the east coast, taking you through a variety of landscapes on the way.

“The diversity is just unfathomable,” says Philip Wyndham, whose adventure travel company created the route. “You set off from a coastline of pounding surf, travelling through ancient forests which haven't been logged - they’re like Jurassic Park in places, with large rivers. There’s a lot of rainfall here.

Coast to Coast Expedition across New Zealand | Much Better Adventures
Join a small group of active adventurers for the challenge of a lifetime, hiking, biking and rafting your way across the staggering landscapes of New Zealand’s South Island.

“Then as you head east towards The Divide and cross the Southern Alps, you get into tussock country, with Alpine peaks all around you. After you’ve crossed The Divide you’ll see less rainfall, but the mountains are still significant. From here you head into gorge country and through the Waimakariri Gorge. It's the most incredible sight - it’s like an axe wound in the land, which the river has caused. From there, you emerge onto the Canterbury Plains, before heading to the east coast.

“Each landscape has unique flora and fauna, and you’ll see it change so much that the place you have lunch in is completely different to where you start the day.”

The Waimakiri River with the Southern Alps behind. Photo: Getty.
The Waimakiri River with the Southern Alps behind. Photo: Getty.

One of the most unique things about this coast to coast route is that to get from one end to the other you’ll hike, cycle and raft. This gives it the feeling of a self-powered expedition, rather than the more conventional hiking trails that New Zealand is well-known for.

“New Zealand is the home of adventure, and we created this expedition to give you a taste of that adventure,” says Wyndham. “I love the thought that I can look on a map and tell people I went from one coast to another, travelling under my own steam.”

I can look on a map and tell people I went from one coast to another, travelling under my own steam

The coast to coast adventure begins in the quaint, former gold mining town of Ross. It follows the West Coast Wilderness Trail, a long distance cycle route, along old logging tramways through the rainforest for 20.5 miles (33km) to the coastal town of Hokitika, where you can stay overnight.

Day two continues along the West Coast Wilderness Trail for 43.4 miles (70km) to Kumara. It follows the Kaniere River inland through the forest to Lake Kaniere, nestled into the foothills of the Southern Alps. You’ll cross swing bridges and pass old mining and forestry artefacts, eventually crossing the Kawhaka Pass and descending to Kumara.

Cycling a section of the West Coast Wilderness Trail. Photo: Adventure South NZ.
Cycling a section of the West Coast Wilderness Trail. Photo: Adventure South NZ.

The third day is the most challenging of the entire expedition - hiking across Goat Pass as you cross the Southern Alps. It’s an 18.6 mile (30km) stage which can take up to 14 hours to complete, and includes around 1,000m (3,280ft) of ascent.

“You start off down in thick verdant forest, with huge rocks, boulders and scree - you lose count of the amount of times that you have to cross rivers,” Wyndham says. “It’s a very technical and demanding day because there isn’t a marked trail; you’re just following cairns. So you've got to be on your toes in terms of balance - you’ll be jumping from rock to rock and scrambling around. If you don't have a good level of fitness that day is going to be a challenge.

“Once you get up onto the pass, it gets much easier because you’re on a boardwalk. You leave this verdant green bush behind and the views really open up - you can see down into a valley and across the Eastern flanks of the Southern Alps. Throughout the whole day, the views are just spectacular. You don't see anyone else. There's a couple of historical huts that you do pass, but no roads, no power lines - a real wilderness day.”

Hikers climb up towards Goat Pass, New Zealand
The rocky climb up towards Goat Pass. Photo: Adventure South NZ.

The next day you’ll hike along a tussock ridge to Bealey Hut, before swapping onto your bike and cycling down a gravel road with mountains on either side. Your destination is Mount White Station, a historic ranch now known for its land regeneration and sustainable farming practices. You’ll have a rest day to explore the property as there’s plenty to do there, from beekeeping workshops to SUPing.

On day six, you’ll return to the Waimakariri River, which you’ll spend the next two days rafting down - a total distance of 31 miles (50km).

You head into gorge country and through the Waimakariri Gorge. It's the most incredible sight - it’s like an axe wound in the land, which the river has caused

“It's one of the wildest rivers in the South Island - it's not dammed,” Wyndham says. “‘Waimakariri’ means ‘cold water’ in Te Reo Māori - it's snowmelt in the spring. The rapids are grade one and two, but I think the most enjoyable part of it is the feeling of going on a journey; of leaving braided river countryside to go through the Waimakairi Gorge.

“The gorge is about 15 kilometres long, with high cliffs on all sides, and just a completely different landscape. When I first went through it I wondered why it wasn’t as famous as the Grand Canyon. To me, it’s just as epic, and you can literally only get into it by boat.”

Rafting down Waimakariri River. Photo: Adventure South.
Rafting down Waimakariri River. Photo: Adventure South NZ.

You’ll emerge through the canyon onto the Canterbury Plains, where your rafting journey will end. The final day is a 46 mile (74km) ride across the plains. Part of the route follows the Waimakariri, but you’ll also be passing through unspoilt farming communities and cycling through the pine forest of Bottle Lake Park before reaching New Brighton.

The trail is an immersion into New Zealand’s untrammelled wilderness. Much of the route passes through DOC (Department of Conservation) land, where commercial trips are highly regulated. Wyndham’s company is one of only a handful of tour operators allowed to operate in certain areas.

Coast to Coast Expedition across New Zealand | Much Better Adventures
Join a small group of active adventurers for the challenge of a lifetime, hiking, biking and rafting your way across the staggering landscapes of New Zealand’s South Island.

“When you go through these places, you're not going to see any other tourists. It’s not from people not wanting to visit, but it's through protecting the ‘whenua’, which means ‘land’,” he says.

You’ll relish the challenge, but perhaps, too, you’ll appreciate the quiet moments. Camping on the banks of the Waimakariri, falling asleep listening to the river. Watching a fiery-winged kea soar on a thermal above you as you hike in the mountains. Experiencing a side to New Zealand’s South Island that few tourists get to see.

Inspired? Check out our Coast to Coast Expedition Across New Zealand, an adventure along this route.