We're a passionate global community of like-minded adventurous souls looking to swap the city for the great outdoors.

Join us. You're in exceptionally good company...

95% of people rate the group dynamics on our trips 5/5

Come as you are. Most do.

Our adventures are typically made up of a mixture of solo travellers and small groups of 2 or 3 friends, with most in their 30s-50s.

Our sociable adventures naturally attract outdoorsy people with a shared mindset; a love for adventure, a desire to push themselves and meet awesome, like-minded people along the way.

It’s this camaraderie that has so often turned a great adventure into a life-changing one.

75% of people join our trips solo

Connect before you go

7 days before your trip starts: You'll get an invite to join a WhatsApp group to get to know the other members of your group before your big adventure together.


"The moment that stood out the most was an evening, sat around the campfire, no phones, no distractions, only conversation. Sharing stories of previous trips and adventures, views, opinions, simple things that have almost become a lost art due to modern society’s addiction to technology."

Read Callum's Story

9/10 would recommend joining a trip to make new friends


"It’s the best antidote for a busy city life. It’s extremely peaceful getting so far away and being so incredibly remote from civilisation."

Nicki's Escape

75% have met like-minded people on our trips that they now consider friends


"When you put a random group of people together in those kinds of conditions, everyone becomes very close and comfortable very quickly - there was a lot of hilarious conversations."

Read Hannah's Story

Our global community have joined our trips from 114 countries (and counting)


"I had a really amazing time... The group were very like-minded, chatty and supportive of one another."

Community Stories

Our adventures. Your words.

Your Stories

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A private group where Much Better Adventurers come together before trips and reminisce on past glories. Get involved!

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